Fine Art Commission Agreement
Agreement dated as of the ______day of____ ________, 20__, between
________________(the Artist), whose address is _________________________
and ___________________________ (the Purchaser), whose address is
Whereas the Artist is recognized professional artist; and whereas the Purchaser
admires the work of the Artist and wishes to commission the Artist to create a
work of art (“the Work”) in the Artists own unique style; and whereas the parties
wish to have the creation of this work of art governed by the mutual obligations,
covenants and conditions herein:
Now, therefore, in consideration of the forgoing premises and the mutual
covenants herein after set forth other valuable considerations, the parties here to
agree as follows:
1. Preliminary Design. The Artist hereby agrees to create the preliminary design
for the Work in the form of a study, sketch, drawing, photoshop layout or
maquette described as follows: ______________________
_______________________________________________in return for which the
Purchaser agrees to pay a fee of $__________________ upon the signing of this
agreement. The Artist agrees to develop the preliminary design according to the
following description of the Work by the Artist:
Title: _______________________________________________
Materials: ___________________________________________
Dimensions: _________________________________________
Description: _________________________________________
Price: ______________________________________________
The Artist shall deliver the preliminary design to the Purchaser within ___ days/
weeks of the date hereof: ___________. The Purchaser may within 2 weeks of
receipt of the preliminary design demand changes, and the Artist shall make such
changes for a fee of $________ per hour; provided, however, that the Artist shall
not be obligated to work more than 8 hours making changes.
2. Progress Payments. Upon the Purchaser’s giving approval of the preliminary
design, the Artist agrees to proceed with construction of the Work, and the
Purchaser agrees to pay the price of $_______ for the Work as follows: One-
third upon the giving of written approval of the preliminary design, one –third
upon completion of one-third of the Work; and one-third upon completion of the
Work. The Purchaser shall also promptly pay the following expenses to be
incurred by the Artist in the course of creating the
Work:______________________________. The Purchaser shall pay the
applicable sales tax, if any, with the final progress payment. Completion of the
Work is to be determined by the Artist, who shall use the Artist’s professional
judgment to deviate form the preliminary design as the Artist in good faith
believes necessary to create the Work. If, upon the Artist presenting the
Purchaser with written notice of an payment being due, the Purchaser fails to
make said payment within two weeks of receipt, interest at the prime interest rate
for banks in __________________________________ shall accrue upon due
balance due. The Purchaser shall have a right to inspect the Work in progress
upon reasonable notice to the Artist.
3. Date of Delivery. The Artist agrees to complete the Work within ______ days /
weeks / months /years of receiving the Purchasers written approval of the
preliminary design. This completion date shall be extended for such period of
time as the Artist may be disabled by illness preventing progress of the Work.
The completion date shall also be extended in the event of delays caused by
events beyond the control of the Artist, including but not limited to fire, theft,
strikes, shortages of material and acts of God. Time shall not be considered of
the essence with respect to the completion of the Work.
4. Insurance, Shipping and Installations. The Artist agrees to keep the Work fully
insured against fire and theft and bear any other risk of loss until delivered to the
Purchaser. In the event of loss caused by fore or theft, the Artist shall use the
insurance proceeds to recommence the making of the Work. Upon the
completion of the Work, it shall be shipped at the expense of
__________________________ to the following address specified by the
Purchaser: _________________________________________________. If any
special installation is necessary, the Artist shall assist in said installation as
follows: ________________________________________________.
5. Termination. This agreement may be terminated in the following conditions:
(A) If the Purchaser does not approve the preliminary design pursuant to
paragraph 1, the Artist shall keep all payments made and this agreement
shall terminate.
(B) The Purchaser may upon payment to any progresses due pursuant to
Paragraph 2 or upon payment of an amount agreed in writing by
the Artist to represent the pro rata portion of the price in relation to the
degree of the completion of Work, terminate this agreement. The Artist
hereby agrees to give promptly a good faith estimate of the degree of
completion of the Work if requested by the Purchaser to do so.
(C) The Artist shall have the right to terminate the Agreement in the event the
Purchaser is more than sixty (60) days late in making any payment due
pursuant to Paragraph 2, provided however; nothing herein shall prevent
the Artist bringing suit based on the Purchaser’s breach of contract.
(D) The Purchaser shall have the right to terminate this Agreement if the Artist
fails without cause to complete the Work within (90) days of the completion
date in Paragraph 3. In the event of termination pursuant to Paragraph 3,
the illness of the Artist causes a delay of more than six months in the
completion date or if events beyond the Artists control cause delay of more
than one year in the completion date provided, however, that the Artist
shall retain all payments made pursuant to Paragraph 2, but shall not be
liable for any additional expenses, damages or claim of any kind based on
the failure to complete the Work.
(E) The Purchaser shall have a right to terminate this agreement if, pursuant
to Paragraph 3, the illness of the Artist causes a delay of more than six
months in the completion date or if events beyond the Artists control cause
delay of more than one year in the completion date, provided, however,
that the Artist shall retain all payments made pursuant to Paragraph 1 and
(F) This Agreement shall automatically terminate on the death of the Artist,
however that the Artist’s estate shall retain all payments made pursuant to
Paragraphs 1 and 2.
(G) The exercise of a right of termination under this Paragraph shall be
written and set forth the grounds for termination.
6. Ownership. Title to the Work shall remain in the Artist until the Artist is paid in
full. In the event of termination of this Agreement pursuant to Sub Paragraph (A),
(B), (C) or (D) of Paragraph 5, the Artist shall retain all rights of ownership in the
Work and shall have the right to complete, exhibit and sell the Work if the Artist
so chooses. In the event of termination of this Agreement pursuant to Paragraph
5 (E) or (F), the Purchaser shall own the Work in whatever degree of completion
and shall have the right to complete, exhibit and sell the Work if the Purchaser
chooses. Not withstanding anything to the contrary herein, the Artist shall retain
all rights of ownership and have returned to the Artist the preliminary design, all
incidental works made in the creation of the Work, and all copies and
reproductions thereof and of the Work itself, provided, however, that in the event
of termination pursuant to Paragraph 5 (E) or (F) the Purchaser shall have a right
to keep copies of the preliminary design for the sole purpose of completing the
7. Copyright. The Artist retains the copyright of the above mentioned artwork
(paragraph 1). The Artist reserves all right of reproduction copyrights in the work.
One preliminary design and any incidental works made in the creation of the
work. Copyright notice in the name of the Artist shall appear on the Work, and
the Artist shall also receive authorship credit in connection with the Work or any
reproductions thereof.
8. Privacy. The Purchaser gives to the Artist permission to use the purchaser’s
names, picture, portrait and photograph, in all forms and media and in all
manners, including but not limited to exhibition, display, advertising, trade, and
editorial uses, without violation of the Purchasers right of privacy or any other
personal or proprietary rights the Purchaser may possess in connection with
reproduction and sale of the Work, the preliminary design, or any incidental
works made in the creation of the Work.
9. Non-destruction, Alteration and Maintenance. The Purchaser agrees that the
Purchaser will not intentionally destroy, damage, alter, modify or change the
Work in any way whatsoever. If any alteration of any kind occurs after receipt by
the Purchaser, whether intentional or accidental and whether done by the
Purchaser or others, the Work shall no longer be represented to be the Work of
the Artist without the Artists written consent. The Purchaser agrees to see that
the Work is properly maintained.
10. Repairs. All repairs and restorations which are made are made during the
life time of the Artist shall have the Artists approval. To the extent practical the
Artist shall be given the opportunity to accomplish said repairs and restoration at
a reasonable fee.
11. Possession. The purchaser agrees that the Artist shall have the right to
possession of the Work for a period not to exceed sixty (60) days for the purpose
of exhibition of the Work to the public, at no expenses to the Purchaser. The
Artist shall provide proof of sufficient insurance and pre paid transportation. The
Artist shall have such right of possession for one period not to exceed sixty (60)
days every 5 years.
12. Non-Assign ability. Neither party hereto shall have the right to assign this
Agreement without the prior consent of the other party. The Artist shall however,
retain the right to assign monies due to the Artist under the terms of the
13. Heirs and Assigns. This Agreement shall be binding upon the parties hereto,
their heirs, successors, assigns, and personal representatives, and references to
the Artist and, the Purchaser shall include their heirs, successors, assigns, and
personal representatives.
14. Integration. This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding between
the parties. Its terms can be modified only by an instrument in writing signed by
both parties.
15. Waivers. A wavier of any breach of any of the provisions of this Agreement
shall not be construed as a continuing wavier of other breaches of the same or
other provisions hereof.
16. Notes and changes of addresses. All notices shall be sent to the Artist at the
following address: 10229 Ashwood St. #5 ; Lakeside, CA 92040, and the
Purchaser at the following address:
_. Each party shall give written notification of any change of address prior to the
date of said changes.
17. Governing law. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State
of __________________.
Artist: _________________________________________ Date:____________
Purchaser: _____________________________________Date:_____________