Pursuant to 19 U.S.C. § 2213(a)(1)(B), we hereby submit the President’s National Trade Policy Agenda
for 2017. This submission is normally prepared under the direction of the United States Trade
Representative (USTR). In fact, U.S. law provides that the USTR shall have “primary responsibility for
developing” United States international trade policy. 19 U.S.C. § 2171(c)(1)(A). U.S. law also provides
that the USTR shall “act as the principal spokesman of the President on international trade.” 19 U.S.C. §
2171(c)(1)(E). Accordingly, we intend to submit a more detailed report on the President’s Trade Policy
Agenda after the Senate has confirmed a USTR, and that USTR has had a full opportunity to participate in
developing such a report. In the meantime, and in order to comply with the statutory deadline of March 1,
see 19 U.S.C. § 2213(a), we hereby submit this statement of the trade policy agenda for 2017.
A. Key Principles and Objectives of the Trump Administration’s Trade Policy
In 2016, voters in both major parties called for a fundamental change in direction of U.S. trade
policy. The American people grew frustrated with our prior trade policy not because they have ceased to
believe in free trade and open markets, but because they did not all see clear benefits from international
trade agreements. President Trump has called for a new approach, and the Trump Administration will
deliver on that promise.
The overarching purpose of our trade policy the guiding principle behind all of our actions in this
key area will be to expand trade in a way that is freer and fairer for all Americans. Every action we take
with respect to trade will be designed to increase our economic growth, promote job creation in the United
States, promote reciprocity with our trading partners, strengthen our manufacturing base and our ability to
defend ourselves, and expand our agricultural and services industry exports. As a general matter, we believe
that these goals can be best accomplished by focusing on bilateral negotiations rather than multilateral
negotiations and by renegotiating and revising trade agreements when our goals are not being met.
Finally, we reject the notion that the United States should, for putative geopolitical advantage, turn a blind
eye to unfair trade practices that disadvantage American workers, farmers, ranchers, and businesses in
global markets.
In addition to these basic principles, we will focus on the following key objectives:
Ensuring that U.S. workers and businesses have a fair opportunity to compete for business both
in the domestic U.S. market and in other key markets around the world.
Breaking down unfair trade barriers in other markets that block U.S. exports, including exports of
agricultural goods.
Maintaining a balanced policy that looks out for the interests of all segments of the U.S. economy,
including manufacturing, agriculture, and services, as well as small businesses and entrepreneurs.
At this time, the Trump Administration is not proposing legislation with respect to the objectives or
priorities outlined in this statement. See 19 U.S.C. § 2213(a)(3)(A)(iii).
Ensuring that U.S. owners of intellectual property (IP) have a full and fair opportunity to use and
profit from their IP.
Strictly enforcing U.S. trade laws to prevent the U.S. market from being distorted by dumped and/or
subsidized imports that harm domestic industries and workers.
Enforcing labor provisions in existing agreements and enforcing the prohibition against the
importation and sale of goods made with forced labor.
Resisting efforts by other countries or Members of international bodies like the World Trade
Organization (WTO) to advance interpretations that would weaken the rights and benefits of, or
increase the obligations under, the various trade agreements to which the United States is a party.
Updating current trade agreements as necessary to reflect changing times and market conditions.
Ensuring that United States trade policy contributes to the economic strength and manufacturing
base necessary to maintain and improve our national security.
Strongly advocating for all U.S. workers, farmers, ranchers, services providers, and businesses,
large and small to assure the fairest possible treatment of American interests in the U.S. market
and in other markets around the world.
B. Top Priorities and Reasons Therefor
To achieve the objectives described above, the Trump Administration has identified four major
priorities: (1) defend U.S. national sovereignty over trade policy; (2) strictly enforce U.S. trade laws; (3)
use all possible sources of leverage to encourage other countries to open their markets to U.S. exports of
goods and services, and provide adequate and effective protection and enforcement of U.S. intellectual
property rights; and (4) negotiate new and better trade deals with countries in key markets around the world.
Each of these priorities and the reasons they are so important are discussed in greater detail below.
1. Defending Our National Sovereignty Over Trade Policy
In late 1994, Congress approved the Uruguay Round Agreements Act, thereby paving the way for
the United States’ entry into the WTO. WTO members agreed to provisions to ensure that, if a country lost
a dispute at the WTO and failed to bring its measure into compliance with WTO rules, to provide
compensation, or otherwise to reach a mutually satisfactory solution, the complaining countries would have
the right to be authorized to retaliate by imposing trade sanctions on the losing country.
The anchor for this new dispute settlement system was an agreement known as the Understanding
on Rules and Procedures Governing the Settlement of Disputes, often called the Dispute Settlement
Understanding (DSU). The core provision of the DSU was the express legal requirement that the WTO,
through its dispute settlement findings and recommendations, could not “add to or diminish the rights or
obligations” of the United States, or other countries under the WTO agreements. This requirement was so
critical that it was included not once, but twice in the text of the DSU, once in Article 3 as a specific
direction to the WTO’s Dispute Settlement Body in adopting its recommendations, and once in Article 19
as a specific direction to WTO panels and the Appellate Body in setting out their findings and
recommendations to be adopted by the DSB. The Clinton Administration and Congress both made clear
that this language was essential to winning American support for the DSU.
At the time, the American people were assured that, by the express terms of the DSU itself, this
dispute settlement process would not alter the terms of what the United States had agreed to in the WTO
Agreements, and what Congress thereafter expressly approved when it passed the Uruguay Round
Agreements Act. In other words, the United States entered into written agreements that contained rules on
a range of matter such as trade-related aspects of intellectual property rights, import licensing, sanitary and
phytosanitary standards, antidumping, technical standards, subsidies and countervailing duties, investment
measures, and safeguards. The United States also entered into the DSU, which contained a clear and express
legal limitation that the WTO dispute settlement process could not add to U.S. obligations or diminish U.S.
rights under those agreements. By insisting on and negotiating the express terms of these agreements, the
United States established clear and firm parameters for the role of the WTO in regulating trade.
Given this history, it is important to recall also that Congress had made clear that Americans are
not directly subject to WTO decisions. The Uruguay Round Agreements Act states that, if a WTO dispute
settlement report “is adverse to the United States, [the U.S. Trade Representative shall] consult with the
appropriate congressional committees concerning whether to implement the report’s recommendation and,
if so, the manner of such implementation and the period of time needed for such implementation,”
confirming that these WTO reports are not binding or self-executing. 19 U.S.C. § 3533(f). The Uruguay
Round Agreements Act also specifically provides that “No provision of any of the Uruguay Round
Agreements, nor the application of any such provision to any person or circumstance, that is inconsistent
with any law of the United States shall have effect.” 19 U.S.C. § 3512(a)(1). In other words, even if a
WTO dispute settlement panel or the WTO Appellate Body rules against the United States, such a ruling
does not automatically lead to a change in U.S. law or practice. Consistent with these important protections
and applicable U.S. law, the Trump Administration will aggressively defend American sovereignty over
matters of trade policy.
2. Strictly Enforcing U.S. Trade Laws
For decades, Congress has maintained a series of laws designed to prevent the U.S. market from
being distorted by unfair practices such as injuriously dumped or subsidized imports, or by harmful surges
of imports. These laws have been a critical aspect of the bargain between the U.S. government and
American workers, farmers, ranchers, and businesses (large and small) that has long supported the free and
fair trade system in this country. These laws have also reflected the core principles and legal rights of the
multilateral trading system since its founding in 1947 with the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
(GATT). It is notable that Article VI of the GATT in the strongest language possible, states that injurious
dumping “is to be condemned.” Trade remedies are a foundation to the implementation of the WTO
agreements, and to avoid market distortions, and it is critical that WTO members fully recognize their
centrality to the international trading system.
Consistent with the strong textual foundation in the GATT and WTO Agreement, Title VII of the
Tariff Act of 1930 provides the United States with the authority to impose antidumping (AD) and
countervailing duties (CVD) on imports that are either “dumped” (sold at less than their fair value) or
subsidized if such imports cause or threaten material injury to a domestic industry. The AD/CVD laws
are fully consistent with our WTO obligations and, indeed, the WTO agreements specifically provide for
such laws. For decades, domestic producers have had the right to file cases seeking AD and/or CVD relief.
The U.S. Department of Commerce also has the right to self-initiate such cases if circumstances warrant.
Other long-standing laws address other situations in which government action may be appropriate.
Under Section 201 of the Trade Act of 1974, the President may impose relief if increasing imports are a
substantial cause of serious injury to a domestic industry. This “safeguard” provision, used most recently
by President George W. Bush in response to a harmful surge of steel imports, can be a vital tool for
industries needing temporary relief from imports to become more competitive. USTR has the authority to
ask for a safeguard investigation in the appropriate circumstances.
Section 301 of the Trade Act of 1974 authorizes the USTR to take appropriate action in response
to foreign actions that violate an international trade agreement or are unjustifiable, or unreasonable or
discriminatory, and burdens or restricts United States commerce. Investigations leading to these important
actions may be initiated pursuant to requests by private U.S. workers and businesses or a determination by
the USTR. Properly used, section 301 can be a powerful lever to encourage foreign countries to adopt more
market-friendly policies.
The Trump Administration believes that it is essential to both the United States and the world
trading system that all U.S. trade laws be strictly and effectively enforced. We strongly support true market-
based competition and we welcome the partnership of any country that agrees with us. Unfortunately,
however, large portions of the global economy do not reflect market forces. Important sectors of the global
economy, and significant markets around the world, have been at times distorted by foreign government
subsidies, theft of intellectual property, currency manipulation, unfair competitive behavior by state-owned
enterprises, violations of labor laws, use of forced labor, and numerous other unfair practices.
The Trump Administration will not tolerate unfair trade practices that harm American workers,
farmers, ranchers, services providers, and other businesses large and small. These practices lower living
standards for all Americans by distorting U.S. and global markets and preventing resources from being
allocated in the most efficient manner. These practices distort global efficiencies by preventing developing
or emerging economies from competing against non-market based rivals that drive them from markets
before they can even get a foothold. And, when the WTO adopts interpretations of WTO agreements that
undermine the ability of the United States and other WTO Members to respond effectively to these real-
world unfair trade practices with remedies expressly allowed under WTO rules, those interpretations
undermine confidence in the trading system. None of these outcomes is in the interest of the United States
or a healthy global economy. Accordingly, the Trump Administration will act aggressively as needed to
discourage this type of behavior and encourage true market competition.
3. Using Leverage to Open Foreign Markets
The Trump Administration believes that U.S. workers, farmers, ranchers, services providers, and
businesses large and small should have a free and fair chance to compete around the world. Such access
benefits the U.S. economy, as Americans would have larger and more competitive markets in which to sell
their goods and services. Indeed, exports of manufactured goods, agricultural products, and services
are an important and essential aspect of the U.S. economy. Exports already support millions of high-paying
jobs for American citizens, and the Administration wants to see them grow. At the same time, increased
market access for American goods and services will also help the global economy, as everyone benefits
from a system that rewards hard work and innovation.
Unfortunately, U.S. exports face significant barriers in many markets. The causes of market
obstruction and closure are numerous. In some instances, trading partners maintain high tariffs and other
non-tariff barriers, which block market access to U.S. goods and agricultural exports. In others, foreign
producers can benefit from subsidies that give them an unfair advantage over their U.S. competitors. Other
countries have looked to harm U.S. companies by blocking or unreasonably restricting the flow of digital
data and services, or through theft of trade secrets. In still others, foreign countries can use technical barriers
such as unnecessary regulations on particular items to limit competition, including in the services sector.
Concerns have also been raised over currency practices and their impact on the competitiveness of U.S.
goods and services. These are only a few examples of the tactics that can be used to block or impede the
competitiveness of U.S. exporters.
For decades, the U.S. government has engaged in efforts to break down such barriers and open
foreign markets to U.S. competition. The Trump Administration recognizes that such efforts are inherently
difficult, as foreign governments often have strong political reasons to protect certain industries in their
home markets. However, the status quo is unsustainable for too long Americans have lost business to
other countries, in part because our businesses and workers are not being given a fair opportunity to compete
There are at least two fundamental challenges that we must finally address. The first challenge is
that the WTO rules, and those of some bilateral and plurilateral trade agreements, are often written with the
implicit understanding that countries implementing those rules are pursuing free-market principles. In a
world in which there are several important players in the global economy that do not fully adhere to the
free-market principles in the organization of their economic systems, systematic analysis of such economies
relative to economic principles must become more acute. Furthermore, the drafting, implementation, and
application of trading rules must find ways to adjust.
The second challenge is that WTO rules, and those of bilateral and plurilateral trade agreements,
are often written with the implicit understanding that countries implementing those rules have functional
legal and regulatory systems that are transparent. In practice, transparent systems are critical to the
functioning of trade rules because transparency enables stakeholders and governments to understand the
rules of the road, and prepare effective diplomatic or legal challenges to those rules when they are not in
conformity with international obligations. Once again, the world in which we find ourselves is one in which
there are a number of important players whose legal and regulatory systems are not sufficiently transparent.
These countries make it difficult for the global trading system to hold them accountable. The inability of
the system to hold those countries accountable in turn leads to a loss of confidence in the system.
It is time for a more aggressive approach. The Trump Administration will use all possible leverage
to encourage other countries to give U.S. producers fair, reciprocal access to their markets. The purpose of
this effort is to ensure that more markets are truly open to American goods and services and to enhance,
rather than restrict, global trade and competition. Such a policy will help grow the global economy by
breaking down long-standing trade barriers and promoting increased competition.
4. Negotiating New and Better Trade Deals
Since the late 1980’s, the United States has entered into a wide variety of trade deals, including the
North American Free Trade Agreement, the Uruguay Round Agreements that created the WTO, China’s
2001 Protocol of Accession to the WTO, and a series of trade agreements. Together, these and other
agreements have created a framework for globalization that establishes the rules and conditions that govern
U.S. trade and investment. For years, Americans have been promised that this system would lead to
stronger economic growth and greater opportunities for U.S. workers and businesses. And, in fact, this
system has generated substantial benefits to some American workers, farmers, ranchers, services providers,
and other businesses particularly in the form of increased export opportunities.
Unfortunately, a review of what has happened since 2000 the last full year before China joined
the WTO shows a period of slowed GDP growth, weak employment growth, and sharp net loss of
manufacturing employment in the United States. Many factors contribute to this, notably the financial crisis
of 2008-2009 and the broad impact of automation. But the trade data are striking. Rather than showing
that the results of this system have lived up to expectations, they portray a very different reality:
In 2000, the U.S. trade deficit in manufactured goods was $317 billion. Last year, it was $648
billion an increase of 100 percent.
Our trade deficit in goods and services with China soared from $81.9 billion in 2000 to almost $334
billion in 2015 (the last year for which such data are available), an increase of more than 300
Of course, a rising trade deficit may be consistent with a stronger economy. However, that has not
been the experience of the typical American household. In 2000, U.S. real median household
income (in 2015 dollars) was $57,790. In 2015 (the most recent year for which data are available),
it was $56,516. In fact, despite the recovery since the financial crisis, real median household
income in the United States remains lower today than it was 16 years ago.
In January 2000, there were 17,284,000 manufacturing jobs in the United States a figure roughly
in line with the total number of U.S. manufacturing jobs going back to the early 1980s. In January
2017, there were only 12,341,000 manufacturing jobs in the United States a loss of almost 5
million jobs.
In the 16 years before China joined the WTO from 1984 to 2000 U.S. industrial production
grew by almost 71 percent. In the period from 2000 to 2016, U.S. industrial production grew by
less than 9 percent.
These are alarming results. They reflect numerous challenges facing U.S. policy other than trade
and the Trump Administration is committed to taking all possible steps to create a more vibrant, and more
competitive, economy. We intend to work with the Congress to lower taxes, reduce regulations, increase
funding for infrastructure, and take other steps to stimulate U.S. economic growth. At the same time, these
figures indicate that while the current global trading system has been great for China, since the turn of the
century it has not generated the same results for the United States.
There are significant reasons to be concerned with other major agreements as well. For years now,
the United States has run trade deficits in goods with our trading partners in the North American Free Trade
Agreement (NAFTA). In 2016, for example, our combined trade deficit in goods with Canada and Mexico
was more than $74 billion. As long ago as 2008, both Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton called for the
United States to renegotiate NAFTA and to withdraw from NAFTA if such renegotiations were
Further, the largest trade deal implemented during the Obama Administration our free trade
agreement with South Korea has coincided with a dramatic increase in our trade deficit with that country.
From 2011 (the last full year before the U.S.-Korea FTA went into effect) to 2016, the total value of U.S.
goods exported to South Korea fell by $1.2 billion. Meanwhile, U.S. imports of goods from South Korea
grew by more than $13 billion. As a result, our trade deficit in goods with South Korea more than doubled.
Needless to say, this is not the outcome the American people expected from that agreement.
Plainly, the time has come for a major review of how we approach trade agreements. For decades
now, the United States has signed one major trade deal after another and, as shown above, the results have
often not lived up to expectations. The Trump Administration believes in free and fair trade, and we are
looking forward to developing deeper trading relationships with international partners who share that belief.
But, going forward, we will tend to focus on bilateral negotiations, we will hold our trading partners to
higher standards of fairness, and we will not hesitate to use all possible legal measures in response to trading
partners that continue to engage in unfair activities.
The Trump Administration has already begun making progress on the objectives and priorities
described above.
By withdrawing from the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), the President sent a clear
signal that the United States would take a new approach to trade issues, and paved the way for potential
bilateral talks with the remaining TPP countries. The President has begun his consultations with Congress
on the ways in which future trade agreements can work for all Americans more effectively than they have
in the past. The President has also put together a strong team of officials who are committed to defending
America’s national sovereignty, enforcing U.S. trade laws, and using American leverage to open markets
for our goods and services. We anticipate more activity on all of these fronts in the near future.
According to 19 U.S.C. § 2213(a)(3)(A)(iv), the President should report on “the progress that was made
during the preceding year in achieving” the trade policy objectives and priorities discussed above. Since the Trump
Administration did not take office until January 20, 2017, our statement is limited to progress since that date.
For more than 20 years, the United States government has been committed to trade policies that
emphasized multilateral and other agreements designed to promote incremental change in foreign trade
practices, as well as deference to international dispute settlement mechanisms. The hope was that such a
system could obtain better treatment for U.S. workers, farmers, ranchers, and businesses. Instead, we find
that in too many instances, Americans have been put at an unfair disadvantage in global markets. Under
these circumstances, it is time for a new trade policy that defends American sovereignty, enforces U.S.
trade laws, uses American leverage to open markets abroad, and negotiates new trade agreements that are
fairer and more effective both for the United States and for the world trading system, particularly those
countries committed to a market-based economy. The Trump Administration is committed to this policy
to increase the wages of American workers; give our farmers, ranchers, services providers, and agricultural
businesses a better chance to grow their exports; strengthen American competitiveness in both goods and
services; and provide all Americans with a better and fairer chance to improve their standard of living.