Welcome to our May
edition of ANZROC’s
Our May lunch was held
at the Mail Exchange
Hotel 688 Bourke
Street Melbourne with
over 53 members and friends enjoy-
ing each other’s company and lovely
food washed down with a glass of
wine. Special thank you goes to the
organising committee.
I was very pleased to meet and see a
few new faces and catch up with what
was happening in their lives.
It was great to see Joe Busuttil,
Geoff Harkin, and David Harkin
travelling from Ararat who we have
not seen for a long time.
We also celebrated Jill Ward’s
Birthday with her cousins the Harkins
and she was very happy to hear the
members sing Happy Birthday and
blowing out her candle!
Most indicated that coming to the
lunches was great way to keep up to
date with former colleagues and what
is going on in their lives.
The ANZROC Committee met be-
fore the luncheon and one key change
was that John Stapleton has accept-
ed to take on the role of Member-
ship Officer. This is a very im-
portant position, and I am sure that
he will do a great job in getting more
former ANZ staff to join our Club.
The other issue that was discussed
was to arrange a visit to the ANZ
Museum (388 Collins Street Gothic
Branch) that was officially opened on
Wednesday 1
May. Most of the
ANZROC Committee attended the
opening and the renovations that
Wellbeing Team
ANZ Retired Officers’ Club Victoria
Inside this issue:
Presidents Message
New Members
Letters from Members
Matter of Interest
Next Meeting
May 2024
Ron Adams
M’ship Officer
John Stapleton
Joan Nathan
0432 197 454
0408 136 100
0408 399 553
0419 318 498
0411 155 446 0437 080 333
were undertaken by the ANZ Bank are mag-
nificent. We are hoping to secure a suitable
date in the next 2 months, and we will ad-
vise members when the date is set. We are
also looking to have a visit to the Shrine in
September, and we will communicate this
once this has been arranged. The link to
photos taken on the night by Vicky Genius
and Eamon Veaney is:
Our next Luncheon will be held at William
Angliss Restaurant on Thursday 9 June.
Our special guest will be Major Brendan
Nottle who will tell us about the Salvation
Army Red Shield Appeal for 2024 and
issues that he is facing in dealing with
the large number of homeless people.
We all know the meals at the William An-
gliss Restaurant are always first class and
very popular with our members. Why not
invite a friend who is an Ex ANZer to join
you, enjoy the meal and listen to Major
Brendan Nottle!
Enjoy our Autumn weather and see you at
our next meeting!
Reny Frighetto President
John Brown, Peter and Leonie Chubb,
George Cooper, Lawrence Cox, Mike Devlin,
Andrea Dunning, Jeanee Fleming, Bruce
Gay, Neil Gladstone, Teresa Goldsbrough,
Val Goldsworthy, Vern Knuiksis, Jack
Lepedjian, Jane Low, Geri Macgregor, Gary
Mason, John McPhee, Glyn and Janet Parry-
Jones, Cheryl and Neville Pearson, Ron Phil-
lips, Bill Robinson, Anne Schniler, Anita
Siassios, Warren Taylor, Kathy Trace, Doug
Watson, Glenda White, Julie Wilkins.
President’s Message
May Meeting Lunch Apologies
Jill Kassan
Page 2 ANZROC (Vic) NEWS
The link to access photos of the May lunch taken by Vicky Genius and Eamon Veaney is:
A selection from the photos is shown below-
Photos from the May lunch
David Harkin
Geoff Harkin Jill Ward with her birthday surprise
Joe Busuttil
Maureen Harkin, Nunzio Liberatore,, Aldo Faella, Rosa Libera-
tore, Karen Faella, Geoff Harkin, Jill Ward, David Harkin.
Aldo and Karen Faella
Julia Bayer, David Ross,, Elina Law, Anne Wee, Eamon Veaney, Deb-
bie Elliott, John Stapleton, Dan Kirtley
Noel Jeffery, John Plunkett, Gaye Reynolds, Wayne & Bernadette
Hulbert, Rob Newman
Page 3 ANZROC (Vic) NEWS
We have finally been advised that after the
May newsletter the current printers Fujifilm
are in the process of moving to a new, more
secure platform, and as such, cannot accept
any printing requests via email. The reason for
this is primarily due to security concerns related to
the data being sent to Fujifilm; specifically, the names
and addresses of ANZROC members that are re-
quiring a physical copy of the monthly ANZROC
newsletter. The private nature of this data means
that it cannot be sent via email and the new platform
ANZ is moving to cannot be accessed outside of the
ANZ network.
As mentioned in the past two newsletters we
ask you where practicable to provide the
email address of a relative or friend who can
receive ANZROC communications on your
We have had a limited number of members who
have already provided the necessary details of an
email address to e[email protected] and we
have updated records ensuring the link to access
the newsletter is sent to that email address in the
If you have no other option than to receive the
newsletter in the mail ANZROC will select a printer
outside the ANZ Group to print and distribute the
monthly newsletters to continue providing this ser-
vice to you while we can.
Please contact Paul Tovey on 0411 156 877 if you
have any questions.
Joan Nathan has been busy forwarding cards to
members who we have been advised are ill or hospi-
talised and said she and Jill Kassen can be contacted
to keep the committee informed of members well-
Joan is keen to hear from members that may have
worked with our past President Kathy Trace as
ANZ are planning to publish a profile on Kathy, the
first female Manager of an ANZ branch, her involve-
ment with the ANZ Social Club, the first female
President of ANZROC Vic and managed the mailing
of birthday cards to all members for 11 years. Any
information/anecdotes would be welcomed from
those who worked closely with Kathy during her
career at ANZ.
Committee News
Wellbeing Report
Reports on activities of the ANZROC organisations in
other Australian States, NZ, and UK are periodically
updated on our website as newsletters are received.
The link to the most recent newsletters received is:
Barry Kilmartin emailed “I wanted to let you know
that Norma Thomas, a former colleague, of mine and a
great friend and colleague of my wife Judith passed away
in Queensland last year. Norma followed her father,
Cecil, into the bank. He had worked for ES&A in Tasma-
nia. Norma first worked at 599 Swanston St in 1966
before moving to 55 Gracechurch St, London where she
worked for 2 years, flat sharing with my wife Judith. Up-
on returning to Melbourne, Norma returned to 599
Swanston St before moving into Travel at 90 Queen St
and then Cards. In her later years, Norma moved to the
Hervey Bay area with her sister Patricia where she en-
joyed the Queensland lifestyle.
John Ries advised Eamon Veaney that our Honorary
Member Neville passed away after a fall on 26/03/2024.
Neville was 86. There was a private funeral for immedi-
ate family only.
I knew Neville, meeting him at ANZ events and semi-
nars and found him to be a gentleman banker. Neville
held executive roles in Victoria.
Lyn Roberts, secretary of ANZROC SA wrote in the SA
newsletter “We have been advised of the passing of Ne-
ville Warnest in Melbourne on 26th March aged 86.
Neville worked in various Branches in Adelaide as Man-
ager (Gouger Street and Rundle Mall to name two) be-
fore transferring to Melbourne. He was a Member of
ANZROC Victoria.
There were many tributes on our Facebook page from
ANZROC members and ex ANZers who had worked
with Neville during their time in ANZ and the long list
included Mike Aranha, Dick Barry, Karyn Beven, Darryl
Bourke, Geoff Christensen, Aldo Faella, Keane Girvan,
Teresa Goldsbrough, Louis Hebrard, Evelyn Lee, Mabel
Quai-Hoi, David Jones, Brad Jordon, Domenico Mosca-
tello, Charles Nuciforo, Anthony O’Brien, Elizabeth Pov-
ey, Nicole O’Sullivan and Keith Weybury.
Other States and UK
Page 4 ANZROC (Vic) NEWS
Bereavements (Cont)
John Wheatley advised us of the
passing of his father and our Honor-
ary Member Norm Wheatley aged
92 years who passed away peacefully
on 8/05/2024. John said that Norm
worked at the Coleraine branch of
the ES&A early in his career and that's when he met
Mum and played full forward for the town's football
team. He worked in the International Department
for a number of years before the merger continuing
in that Department afterwards. He later requested
a transfer back into the branch network taking on
the role of a relieving manager, and later being ap-
pointed manager of the Pascoe Vale branch until
I recall Norm actively working for many years on
the annual ES&A lunch at the Bentleigh Club with
ANZROC members Rick Kimber, the late David
Knuckey and the late Lawrie Foord.
On behalf of ANZROC members our condo-
lences are extended to the families and
friends of Norma Thomas, Neville Warnest
and Norm Wheatley.
ADAMS Ron (86),AVENT Bruce (87),
BARTLETT Darryl (83),BEARD Les (88),
COOPER Mike (80), DAY Brian (87),
DIBBIN Norm (91), FINDLAY Graeme (83),
GEORGE Mike (86),GOLDSWORTHY Val (90),
IRVING Graeme (80),JOHNSON Des(81),
LANIGAN Bill (86), LEWIS Neville (91),
MAGUIRE Don (83), MCGANNON Brian (85),
MENOGUE Geoff (90), MURRELL Geoff (85),
NICKELL Mike (80),O’CONNELL Ron (82),
PODGER Alan (92), RICHARDSON Allan (84),
ROGERS Barry (86), SAFFERY John (81),
The following Honorary
members will be enjoying
a birthday during May
2024 and we send them our
Honorary Birthdays for May 2024
SMITH Robert (81),STAPLETON Terry (94),
STEVENS Lyn (85),STEVENS Malcolm (83),
WOOD Peter (81),
Congratulations to our Honorary member and enjoy
your birthdays.
We look forward to meeting Bhavin at one of
the meetings in 2024.
Malcolm Algie emailed “Hi Anita, many thanks for
your timely birthday wishes. It is always a pleasure to
receive this birthday wish to remind me I have sur-
vived another year. I look forward to receiving many
Daryl Bartlett emailed “Thankyou Anita for my wel-
come E card. To mark the occasion Ronda and I had
lunch with our eldest grandson and his partner, they
were the only family in Melbourne on the day, with
video calls from the rest, interstate and overseas.
Trips to our son Peter at Bendigo for Xmas and New
Year as well as Easter is about the limit of travel these
days. It is 5 years since my last cancer ops, so apart
from the body slowing Ronda and I are well. Best
wishes and good health, especially to our aging
Luigi Bucello messaged from Dalmore “Reny, to you
and your committee, thank you for the good work
you do, with special thanks to Eamon for my birthday
card which arrived the same day I got the good news
from my doctors that an expanding mole removed
from my ankle was not cancerous and a lump off my
lung was benign. Good news all round. Best wishes to
all retired officers and stay safe.”
Barbara Griffen emailed “Thanks Anita so much for
your greetings!! Warm regards”
Letters from members
Honorary Birthdays for May 2024
Page 5 ANZROC (Vic) NEWS
Richard Ham emailed “Thank you Anita, your
birthday wishes are appreciated. Best wishes to the
ANZROC President and Committee. Keep up the
good work as our Newsletter is a marvellous re-
minder of the excellent people we all worked with so
many years ago. All the best,”
John Harris emailedMany thanks to Anita and the
ANZROC Committee for the birthday wishes on
April. My evening was spent with the Melbourne
contingent of the family and being thoroughly spoiled
with dinner and gifts. I still enjoy regular tennis alt-
hough prowess is not what it used to be, and high-
light is resolving the world’s problems over drinks in
the Clubhouse. Family is all fit and well with Colleen
and me on increasingly friendly terms with members
of the medical profession. I appreciate receipt of the
newsletters although the number of familiar names
seems to be reducing. Sincere thanks again and kind-
est regards”
Graham Heenan emailed “Dear Anita. thank you
for the recent Birthday Wishes sent to me. It is
now 31 years since my retirement at 55 and all is
going well - so far! Pam and I are still enjoying rea-
sonably good health and have lived all that time in
Belmont (Geelong). We have been fortunate to have
had some 12 overseas trips, visiting some 59 Coun-
tries. However, Covid stopped all that and reduced
energy and increased Insurance now curtails activity
to Vic./Aust. - including Essendon home games! I do
have an inherited Nerve End Disorder and that is
starting to have an effect upon my balance, hence the
end of the Golfing days.”
Des Kidd emailed “Many thanks Anita, for the birth-
day wishes on behalf of the President and Commit-
tee, which is very much appreciated. Had a good day
with the family for lunch and then home in time to
watch the mighty Cats
Barry Kilmartin emailed “Hello Anita, Thank you
for your Birthday greetings. I spent a
happy day with family and
friends. Last year we moved from
the family home after 52 years to a
retirement village. We are very
comfortable in our new home and
have become involved in many of
the activities the village offers. Best
Treasurer Graeme King emailed “Thanks Anita
and ANZROC for my “E” card birthday wishes. San-
dra and I are aging slowly and continue enjoying the
odd bit of travel. Birthday celebrations will be low
key this year, with no full family gathering
planned. One of our three sons is currently in Hou-
ston for work and one of our four grandees is in
Florida, on a month-long tennis excursion. Instead,
we will have a home open day for the balance of our
families and then attend a local live show in the even-
Letters from members (Cont)
Gary Mason emailed “Busy Rotary week. Rotary
Farmers' Market on Saturday, our "Ride the Ranges"
event on Sunday - a major fund raiser for us (various
bike rides through the Strathbogie Ranges) and provid-
ing breakfast for the "Gunfire Breakfast" attendees on
Anzac Day. We rarely get to Melbourne. Last visit in
December for the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra's
performance of The Messiah. With kind regards from a
contented bush dweller,”
Mike Nickell emailed “Dear Anita and Committee,
many thanks for my birthday wishes, spot on time. Well,
this was a big one and I’m very thankful to have reached
‘four score’ in pretty good shape Celebrated with all
extended family and a number of friends at a beautiful
restaurant at Monbulk in the Dandenongs Thanks to
ANZROC for keeping the shared connections of our
banking experiences together in this ridiculous world of
electronic change, closing branches, cashless econo-
my….no cheque books, etc…don’t get me started!!!”
John Phelan emailed “Thanks Anita to you and the
ANZROC team for my birthday card.”
Past President Peter Pritchard emailed “Anita,
many thanks for the ANZROC birthday card which ar-
rived on time. We have now been in Brisbane for 3
years since relocating from Melbourne to be closer to
our children. The weather is wonderful, and we have
had the opportunity to do a lot of trips to various parts
of SE Queensland. We now have three granddaughters
(5,3 and 18 months) and we spend 2-3 days a week with
them. We are likely to have another wedding in the
family in the next 12 months. It makes life fulfilling.
We have joined a Probus Club, and this also keeps us
busy. Last year we had a trip with the Probus to New
Zealand and a cruise to New Caledonia. This year we
have two cruises booked, and a trip to Cairns and then
across to Normanton to travel on the Gulflander and
Savannahlander back to Cairns. A busy time. Regards to
Geoff Osborne emailed “I am responding to the re-
cent birthday wishes from Anita when I turned 80. Just
to let you know all is well with my wife Elizabeth and
me. I retired from the Bank in 1999 and moved to
Queensland about 20 years ago to the seaside town of
Coolum Beach. Our daughter and family had already
moved before us.
Our time since has been very busy within the Bowls
Community up here and being a retired banker it is
hard to avoid local committees. I have remained a mem-
ber of the Victoria ROC which has helped me keep in
touch with the many colleagues/friends made during my
Banking career. It wasn't long before I was appointed as
President of the Coolum Beach Bowls Club; following
this I was appointed President of the Sunshine Coast
District for about 10 years. Then somehow, I ended up
as a Director of Bowls Queensland for the past 6 years.
I have recently retired yet again from a number of these
However, I also got involved with the Sunshine Coast
ANZ Retired Officers Club and have been in the role
of Secretary/Treasurer for the past 15 years, having
taken over from Peter Mackay (NZ) when he passed
away. Peter will be well remembered for his time in NZ
International and another notable Kiwi was Darrell
Cook (former Mgr. Invercargill NZ) who was President
of Sunshine Coast ROC for a couple of years before his
return to NZ when his wife passed away. Our group
meet on a bi-monthly basis and from time to time have
ANZROC members from other states/NZ. A couple of
regular visitors include Noel Beanland and Bob and
Daria Deans, and they and others are always welcome.”
Tony Pompilio emailed “Dear Anita. Many thanks to
you and the ANZROC Committee for your Birthday
greetings. Kind regards”
Dave Potter emailed “Thanks Anita and ANZROC
Committee for kind birthday wishes. We spent a won-
derful time with family and friends in Swan Hill, visiting
Pioneer Settlement and travelling to Echuca visiting the
Holden Museum which ironically closed on my birth-
day, Kind regards.”
Denis Rice emailed “ Anita, thank you for the birthday
card, which arrived on time.
John Saffery emailed “Thanks Anita for the Birthday
greetings. Appreciate the efforts of all involved with
ANZROC in keeping former colleagues informed.”
John Simson emailed “Thanks Anita, much appreciat-
Michael Sweeney emailed “A belated email to thank
Anita for my 70
birthday ‘electronic card’ which I re-
ceived prior to my turning 70 on Saturday 2
It was very much appreciated. I always look forward to
receiving the monthly ANZROC newsletters, reading
the activities and adventures of fellow members and
some of my former workmates.”
Kevin Toohey emailed “(A belated) Thank you to the
President and Committee for the wonderful reminder
that I am a year older. It’s OK because I have a 7-year-
old great grandson who shares the same birth date
with me, and he now knows the difference in our ages,
and he doesn't hesitate to remind me. Aren't they won-
Maureen and I are still living the dream at Keilor Re-
tirement Village, and I am still playing Bowls at Moonee
Ponds Bowling Club (Still trying to improve my game,
ha ha). There's plenty happening at the Village so we
don't have to plan anything, outside of family matters,
because if something strikes our fancy, we just put our
names down, pay up and hop on the bus to a show or
outing or whatever it might be that the Social Commit-
tee has arranged. It’s a great place.
That’s about it for now. All the best to our friends out
there and we look forward to some more Birthday
greetings in the future. Thanks to ANZROC for all the
great work they do and may they prosper in the fu-
Page 6 ANZROC (Vic) NEWS
Letters from members (Cont)
AND John Ashworth, Ian Cave, Michael Devlin, Helen
Farnell, Paul Harrison, Dorothy Hayes, Alan Jones,
Kevin Mitchell, Dick Sanders, Lois Vanselow
MAY 2024
We had 11 starters for our Au-
tumn golf day at Keysborough
Golf Club.
Thanks to Reny for organising
the event at his home club. The weather was fine, and
the golf was enjoyable.
Geoff Leonard won the Stableford competition with 32
points Runner-up with 31 points was Mark Dineen
Third on 28 points was John Stapleton. Jan Leonard
took home the ladies trophy.
Joe Costanzo won nearest the pin.
We had an excellent bar meal in the clubhouse after-
wards. Many photos of the day are on our Facebook
The committee is now planning the November Spring
tournament with John Stapleton at the helm.
Link to the photos taken by Eamon Veaney on the day
is -
Matters of Interest
Winners -Geoff and Jan Leonard
The golfing group at Keysborough GC
Page 7 ANZROC (Vic) NEWS
We try to schedule our lunches with plenty of notice given to members as 2023 required several changes of date
and now in 2024 when the William Angliss Restaurant became unavailable in September and October has meant
scheduling another meeting at Mail Exchange Hotel in the city and a country trip to Woodend.
We are still working on the venue for the AGM in November dependent on access to 833 Collins Street and the
December 2024 Christmas lunch as this is likely to change due to major renovation works programmed at the
Art Centre….
ANZROC Program schedule as at May 2024
June 13
July 11
SHARKFIN INN, Little Bourke St Chinatown
August 8
September 12
MAIL EXCHANGE HOTEL ……Football flavour
October 10
November 14
Golf competition DATE TO BE ADVISED
December 12
June 2024
from 12 noon at William Angliss Institute.
The Restaurant entry is at 550 Little Lonsdale Street, close to Spencer St, and just over the road
from Southern Cross station.
A luncheon fee of $35.00 will apply to partially cover the catering costs at William Angliss.
The meeting will celebrate the 2024 Salvation Army Red Shield Appeal with Major Brendan Nottle from the Salva-
tion Army team in Melbourne to update us about the issues that confront the Salvation Army in Melbourne city,
suburbs, and country centres.
We will have envelopes available for donations on the day of the meeting, but if unable to attend,
you can mail your cheque payable to Salvation Army to Ron Adams at PO Box 579, Malvern, Vic
3144 to be included in the total amount collected on the day. Salvation Army will issue receipts.
Partners of members, partners of deceased members and ANZ Ladies Club members are invited to join us at the
Members are asked to pre-pay their lunch by transferring the $35 luncheon fee directly into the ANZROC ac-
count. Ensure your name is provided on the funds transfer so we can credit you with the payment!
Bank account details are.
BSB: 013 350
A/C No: 3064 51947
To register your acceptance to the luncheon contact Joan Nathan either by phone on 0432197454, email jknath[email protected] or
mail to 5 Tower Court, ARMADALE, 3143.
if contacting by post, an acceptance form follows for completion.
Next ANZROC (Vic) Meeting Thursday 13th June 2024
ANZROC (Vic) Meeting/Events/Speakers Schedule for 2024
Page 8 ANZROC (Vic) NEWS
When advising Joan of your acceptance please let her know if you have any special dietary requirements that can be passed on to the
people at William Angliss.
A reminder that you have the option on the acceptance form or when contacting Joan to allow or decline to have your name (s) listed
on the attendees list that will be posted on our website.
Please advise your acceptance to Joan by Monday 10
June 2024 so that we can advise the attendance numbers to the William Angliss
Darren Bastian, Client Services Group Property emailed
“Hi Eamon,Thanks for note! I thought it was a great night and cele-
bration in the beautiful Gothic chambers we don’t often have
those events there! Thanks to all ANZROC members who came
last night it was a wonderful atmosphere!! Loved the Facebook
photos. Let me know when you’re ready for a tour!!”
To JOAN NATHAN 5 Tower Court ARMADALE 3143,
I /we will be attending the luncheon at William Angliss on Thursday 13
June 2024.
I have the following dietary requirements.
A reminder that you have the option on the acceptance form or when contacting Joan to allow or decline to have your name (s) listed
on the attendees list that will be posted on our website.
Cutoff date: Monday 10
June 2024
Phone 0432197454 email jknatha[email protected]
Ron Adams
Newsleer Editor
John Brown
Formang and Graphics
Next ANZROC (Vic) Meeting 13 June 2024 (Cont)