University of California Policy G-28
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For questions regarding business meetings and entertainment expense reimbursements,
please contact your campus representative
Responsible Officer: EVP - Chief Financial Officer
Responsible Office: FO - Financial Operations
Issuance Date: [Issuance Date]
Effective Date: [Effective Date]
Last Review Date: December 31, 2015
Staff and academic employees of the University.
Non-employees, including students, visiting scholars,
and independent contractors.
This policy does not apply to travel associated with
work done within the scope of the UC/DOE contract
for the management and operations of the Lawrence
Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL). Travel not
within the scope of the LBNL contract is covered by
the provisions of G-28.
Phone #:
[Policy Owner]
Tax Manager
(510) 987-0903
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It is the policy of the University to comply with IRS regulations regarding the provision
and reimbursement of business-related travel, and to conform to the IRS “accountable
plan” rules.
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D. Reimbursement Standards
It is the policy of the University that all official travel shall be properly authorized,
reported, and reimbursed in accordance with this Bulletin. Under no circumstances shall
expenses for personal travel be charged to, or be temporarily funded by, the University,
unless otherwise noted in this Bulletin. When a University employee travels under the
sponsorship of a non-University entity, travel expenses, including advances,
prepayments, or billings, shall not be charged to a University account or billed to the
University; airline tickets must be obtained from the sponsor.
University employees traveling on official business shall observe normally accepted
standards of propriety in the type and manner of expenses they incur. In addition, it is
the traveler's responsibility to report his or her actual travel expenses in a
responsible and ethical manner, in accordance with the regulations set forth in
this Bulletin.
The University’s travel reimbursement procedures contained in this Bulletin are
designed to conform to the “accountable plan” rules published by the Internal Revenue
Service (IRS). Therefore, University reimbursement of an employee’s travel expenses
shall not result in additional taxable income to the employee. Travel expenses
considered by the IRS to be taxable income to the traveler are not reimbursable except
for the following:
Expenses for travel in excess of one year,
Imputed taxable income caused by substantiated expense reports submitted
after the time limit described in Section V.I.1., subject to campus discretion, or
Certain travel expenses related to moving a new appointee or a current
employee (refer to BFB G-13, Policy and Regulations Governing Moving and
Relocation, for more information).
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Travel-related and childcare expenses for a spouse, domestic partner,
dependent-care provider, and dependents who accompany an employee
when pre-approved by the Chancellor or other senior University officer (see
Section V.H.2.f.).
Executive Vice President-
Chief Financial Officer
Establish and update the policies set forth in this Bulletin.
Department Heads (or person
delegated authority by the
Chancellor, or person officially
redelegated authority)
Approve payment for the travel expense claim or electronic equivalent
submitted by the traveler; ensure that appropriate documentation is
provided to substantiate the travel expense; ensure that the travel
expenditures comply with University policy and fund source restrictions.
Campus Controller’s Office or
Medical Center Controller,
where appropriate
Approve the travel expenses, including exceptions, for each campus
Chancellor, including a spouse or domestic partner, or an Associate of
the Chancellor. Initiate proceedings for the recovery of any outstanding
cash advances sixty days after a trip is completed.
May establish more restrictive procedures for the travel policies
authorized under this Bulletin.
Designate one or more approving Vice Chancellors to approve
travel expenses incurred by the Vice Chancellors, Deans, and
Medical Center Directors.
Approve travel expenses incurred by the designated Vice
May appoint a designee to approve travel expenses incurred by the
designated Vice Chancellors, provided that the designee does not
report to the designated Vice Chancellor.
Provide written approval for use of private aircraft (including a
rented aircraft) for official travel after pilot registers the private
aircraft with the Chancellor and meets all the requirements under
Section V.D.2.b.i.
Delegate authority to pre-approve reimbursement of travel
expenses of a spouse, domestic partner, dependent-care provider,
or dependents of an accompanying parent (employee).
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B. Payment of Travel
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4. Payment of Expenses on Behalf of Others
University travelers normally shall not be reimbursed for expenses paid on
behalf of other persons; however, limited exceptions are permitted (see
Section V.H.2.f). In the case of co-travelers who are sharing a room.
Exceptions to this rule, such as supervised group trips, must be approved in
advance. (See Section V.E.4., Payment of Group Subsistence Expenses, for
more information.)
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H. Special Travel Situations
2. Non-University Travelers
Travelers in this category include prospective employees, independent
contractors and consultants, inbound travelers hired by the University for a
temporary assignment at a campus or the LBNL, foreign visiting scholars,
spouses/domestic partners, other dependents, and dependent-care providers.
a. General Regulations
Allowable travel expenses for non-University travelers are subject to the
provisions of this Bulletin. A travel expense claim must be submitted in
accordance with the requirements set forth in Section V.I., Reporting
Travel Expenses. Such reimbursements shall be tax-coded as specified in
Accounting Manual chapter D-371-12.1, Disbursements: Accounting For
and Tax Reporting of Payments Made through the Vendor System.
Travel expenses incurred by non-University travelers shall not be
reimbursed from a University fund source unless the travel has been
approved in advance by the inviting department.
b. Prospective Employees
i. Authorization
The University may reimburse the actual travel expenses related to
interviewing prospective employees, when such expenses are
necessary to acquire key personnel for employment at the University.
Authorization shall be obtained before any commitment to reimburse
travel expenses is made to the prospective employee. Reimbursement
of allowable expenses is not taxable if the expenses are properly
substantiated. In addition, at the Chancellor's discretion, actual travel
expenses and childcare expenses may be reimbursed for
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spouses/domestic partners, dependents, and dependent-care
providers who accompany candidates for faculty or high-level
administrative positions (including Manager and Senior Professional
positions) on final interviews.
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f. Spouse, domestic partner, dependent, and dependent-care provider travel
i. Reimbursement of expenses for bona fide University business travel
The travel expenses of a spouse/domestic partners who accompanies a
University business traveler (e.g., the President, Provost, Senior Vice
President, Vice Presidents, Chancellors, Laboratory Directors, Principal
Officers of The Regents, or other employees as approved by the
Chancellor) are reimbursable under this Bulletin, provided it can be
established that the spouse or domestic partner's presence serves a bona
fide University business purpose.
Under IRS regulations, the travel expenses of a spouse or domestic
partner are not taxable, provided it can be established that his or her
presence serves a bona fide business purpose. A spouse or domestic
partner who attends a function is considered to have a business purpose if
he or she has a significant role in the proceedings or makes an important
contribution to the success of an event. Generally, protocol or tradition
dictates when the participation of a high-level official's spouse or domestic
partner is required at official University functions, such as alumni
gatherings, fund-raising or ceremonial activities, certain athletic events
(see below), and community events. Documentation should be provided
with the travel expense claim to show that the spouse or domestic
partner's attendance at the function meets the above conditions (e.g., an
event or meeting agenda, or a letter of invitation requesting that the
spouse or domestic partner attend the meeting or event).
If a spouse or domestic partner has no significant role in the proceedings,
or performs only incidental duties of a social or clerical nature, attendance
does not constitute a bona fide business purpose.
In accordance with the Policy on Associate of the President/Chancellor, an
Associate may be reimbursed for expenses related to the use of a
personal automobile for University business purposes at the basic mileage
rate specified in Appendix A.
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ii. Reimbursement of travel expenses for a spouse, domestic partner,
dependents, or dependent-care provider
Reimbursement of travel expenses, including childcare expenses, for a
spouse, domestic partner, dependent-care provider, and dependents who
accompany an employee or candidate for employment on bona fide
University business travel may be allowed in limited circumstances when
pre-approved by the Chancellor, Executive Vice Chancellor/Provost,
Dean, Director, Department Chair, or other senior University officer, as
Reimbursement of expenses related to childcare provided outside of
normal working hours while an employee or candidate for employment is
travelling for bona fide University business may be allowed in limited
circumstances when pre-approved by the Chancellor, Executive Vice
Chancellor/Provost, Dean, Director, Department chair, or other senior
University officer, as designated.
Reimbursable expenses listed above that do not have a clear University
business purpose (e.g., costs for dependent-care providers, dependents)
are not allowable as a tax-free reimbursement.
iii. Funding
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Spouse, domestic partner, dependent-care provider, and dependent travel
expenses may not be charged to state funds. For travel charged to a
contract or grant fund, the traveler should check with with the contract or
grant sponsor whether these travel expenses are permitted under any
special provisions of the contract or grant. Various non-state funds
controlled by the University may be used to fund spouse, domestic
partner, dependent-care provider, and dependent travel, but only within
the restrictions, if any, governing the use of the fund and within the policy
set forth in this Bulletin.
g. Athletic Travel Spouse or Domestic Partner and Other Family Members
Travel by a spouse or domestic partner who accompanies an athletic
director (or assistant director or head coach) to sporting events such as
bowl games and tournaments is presumed to have a bona fide University
business purpose (see Section f, Spouse or domestic partner Travel,
above) in situations where the NCAA or potential donors expect that
certain high-ranking members of the athletic department, and their spouse
or domestic partner, will participate in events associated with these
athletic activities. The travel expenses of a spouse incurred in the pursuit
of such activities may be reimbursed provided documentation, such as an
NCAA event agenda, is provided to substantiate the business purpose of
the travel. Such amounts are not taxable or subject to reporting.
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Travel expenses related to sporting events incurred by other family
members generally do not satisfy the bona fide University business
purpose test and therefore are not reimbursable; however see section
V.f.ii for special circumstances where such expenses might be reimbursed
but still treated as taxable
Refer to Section f above for information on funding sources for spouse or
domestic partner travel.
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3/1/2016: Change in mileage reimbursement rate to correlate with IRS Notice 2016-1.
Reformatted to the new policy template. Increase in domestic daily meals and incidental
reimbursement rate to $74 per day in accordance with IRS Notice 2015-63.
X/X/2017: Revision to permit direct billing of hotel room and taxes under campus-
approved procedures. Delegation to Chancellor or other University official to reimburse
spouse/domestic partner, dependent-care provider, and dependent travel expenses or
child care expenses related to employee’s or employment candidate’s University travel
in limited circumstances.