Get started with document automation
Learn about document automation, how to install, configure and use it.
1-introduction to the document automation (15min)
In this unit, you will
Understand which scenarios document automation addresses.
Learn what you can accomplish with document automation.
Before you begin this course, we recommend that you review the following resources:
Introduction to Power Automate learn module.
Introduction to Power Apps learn module.
Get started with Dataverse learn module.
Get started with Form processing in AI Builder learn module.
AI Builder form processing model documentation.
What is document automation?
Thanks to automation solutions and AI, organizations can accelerate and optimize the processing of
documents so humans can be freed from performing repetitive, low value and error prone tasks. This
applies to any kind of printed or digital form that must be reviewed, have data extracted from it, and
Automating the processing of documents requires a complete solution. The Power Platform enables you
to build a rich and robust document automation solution using Power Automate to orchestrate the
overall process, AI Builder to bring the Intelligence required to efficiently extract information from
documents, Power Apps to allow users to manually review and approve documents, and Dataverse to
manage the document queue and store all the data, files and configuration required.
Starting from a blank page can be challenging when designing such a complex system. This document
automation solution is a reference implementation that provides a functional end-to-end solution that is
ready to be installed and supports a common processing pattern:
Receiving documents from a service mailbox.
Automatically extracting data from these documents.
Exporting the results to a target system like accounting, HR or CRM.
Because of things like compliance rules or the need to evaluate the accuracy of AI, there is a need to
include a human in the loop manual review in this process.
Document automation provides this standard end-to-end solution. It includes the following components:
Manage documents received in emails.
Use AI Builder form processing solution to extract data from those documents.
Process the data extracted and allow users to review and approve data through a central manual
validation application.
The document automation tool is a solution that you install in one of your Environments (learn more
about environments Environments overview). This solution includes several Power Automate flows, a
Power App and several Dataverse data tables. It is named “Document automation base kit.
What does document automation include?
The received documents go through the following steps:
Document Automation Email Importer flow
The Document Automation Email Importer imports documents to process.
This flow is configured to work with document sent via email. If you receive documents in a different
manner, you can customize the import flow to retrieve documents from a SharePoint folder or a cloud
storage for example. You can find more information about customization of the import mechanism in the
next learning modules.
The Document Automation Email Importer does the following:
- It triggers when mail is received at a specific outlook email address with an attachment. You can
filter on senders or a specific word in the title. In the following module, you will learn how to
configure this trigger to best fit how you receive documents.
- It adds the document to the document queue managed in Dataverse.
- It stores the document file in Dataverse.
- This document’s state is set to extracting data”. This is an indication that the document was
received and is ready to be processed with AI to extract the relevant information.
Document Processor flow
The “Document Processor” flow extracts data from the document using an AI Builder model.
This flow does the following:
- It triggers when a document is received and stored in the document queue, and is in the
extracting data state.
- It retrieves each document and runs an AI Builder form processing model on it to retrieve the
relevant data. You can build your own AI Builder model for your unique document layout. More
about this configure in the following learn modules.
- It stores the extracted data in a Dataverse table so that further data checks and processing can be
performed before its exported or used in another system.
- It sets the document’s state to validating data to indicate that the data has been extracted and
is ready to be processed with the business logic and rules that you need to apply.
Document automation Validator flow
This helps apply business rules and determine if the document requires manual validation.
The Document Automation Validator is a placeholder where you can add the business logic that you’d
like to apply to the data. For example, you could ask for manual validation if one of the data fields hasn’t
been extracted or if the confidence level is below 80%; or you could auto approve data when the dollar
amount is below a certain value while sending the others for manual approval.
This flow is not configured with any rules by default and sends all documents for manual review.
This flow does the following:
- It is triggered after a document has been processed and extracted data stored in Dataverse -
when it is in thevalidating data” state.
- It sets the document’s state to “manual review” to indicate that the data extracted is ready to be
reviewed and approved by the someone.
Document Automation Application
This helps with manually reviewing and approving documents.
The Document Automation Application is the central place where users can visualize all the documents
that are in the pipeline, the state of each, as well as to review and approve the data extracted when
required. This application also includes a section for the owner of the solution to configure the process.
This application is built in Power Apps, which allows for easy customization.
The Document Automation Application allows users to do the following:
For manual reviewer:
- List all documents that are ready to be reviewed.
- Open a document to view side by side the document and the extracted data.
- Edit and/or complete the data extracted for missing data fields or errors.
- Approve the document and sets the state to Validated”.
For process owners
- Configure the AI Builder model used to process documents.
- List all documents that have been processed.
- Filter based on document states:
o Invalid document: when not a PDF, PNG or JPEG
o Downloading document: when email attachment is being retrieved and store in
o Extracting data: when the AI model is extracting data from the document.
o Validating: when validation logic is being performed.
o Manual review: when the document is ready to be reviewed by a reviewer.
o Validated: when the document has been successfully reviewed.
It is possible to configure who is a reviewer and/or an owner in your team.
The documents and extracted data that are in the “validated” state are ready to be exported to external
systems like accounting, HR or CRM.
How to use document automation?
The Document automation base kit” is a reference managed solution. Users are free to use and update
the components of this solution to adapt it to their business and system specifics.
To use this solution, you need the following licenses:
- One Power Automate license to run all the flows that orchestrate the process.
- A Power Apps license for any user who must manually review and approve documents.
- A Power Apps license for the process owner to configure the process.
- AI Builder capacity based on the volume of document processed per month. The AI Builder
calculator helps you to estimate the capacity that is right for you.
You have now understood in which scenario the “Document automation base kit can help you with in
automating the processing of your documents.
2-install the “Document automation base kit (15min)
In this unit, you will
Understand how to install the “Document automation base kit.
Learn what are the key components installed.
Learn how to configure the connection to outlook and Dataverse.
The person installing the document automation solution should:
Have good knowledge of Power Platform concepts (at least Power Automate connections and
Have Power Platform privileges to configure Power Automate connections and add environment
Own the connection to the outlook service mailbox that will be used to receive the documents.
Makers or Administrators are usually a good fit for this task.
The following items will be installed with this package:
A Power Apps “Document automation application” allowing makers to configure the AI model to
use for the document extraction, and users to track processing of documents and review them.
3 Power Automate flows
o Document Automation Email Importer that listens to new emails arriving in the service
mailbox, extracts attachment, and creates a new processing request.
o Document Automation Processor” that calls the AI Builder model to extract values and
store it in Microsoft Dataverse.
o Document Automation Validator” that acts as a placeholder for your business rules and
sends documents to the validation application.
4 Microsoft Dataverse tables
o Document Automation Processing” storing the document automation requests, the file
to be processed and the status of the processing.
o Document Automation Data” storing the values extracted from the document.
o Document Automation Configuration” storing the information about the model to use.
o Document Automation Taxonomy” mapping where each model labels will be stored in
the “Document Automation Data” table fields.
2 Microsoft Dataverse choices
o Document Automation Processing Status” with steps of the workflow
o Document Automation Configuration Status” to indicate it the AI model has been
To install your document automation solution in one of your environments you need to go through the
following steps:
- Install the Document automation base kit solution package.
- Activate the flows and data connections with your account.
The flows will run with the user credentials and data connections of the user who is installing and
configuring the solution.
Install the solution
To install and configure the document automation solution, follow these steps:
1. Go to Power Automate and navigate to document automation page
2. Click on “Select
3. Once in the wizard, click on the install solution link
4. You are redirected to the Power Platform admin center, accept the term of service, then click on
5. Return to the wizard and wait 5-10min until the installation is complete.
Configure the Power Automate flows
Your document automation solution is now installed but is not activated yet. To finalize the installation
and activate your document solution, you need to configure the data connections and turn on the flows
used by the solution. We will start by configuring and activation the flow that captures documents to
6. Select Document automation base kit”
7. Then select Document Automation Email Importer”
8. Select Edit in the top banner
9. Select the “+” for each connection to configure the connection and select “Continue
Important: the account that you use for the “Office 365 outlook” connection is the email account
that will be used to receive the documents to process. You should use the email address to which
your documents are sent to. If you are documents are received on multiple email addresses you
can duplicate this flow to capture documents from all those different addresses.
10. You are in the authoring experience of the email importer flow. Here you can configure the email
rules to filter on the specific emails that you want to process. You have to keep the “include
attachments” set to “Yes” as this flow takes the document on attachment as the document to be
processed. But you can configure filters on the topic, senders etc. based on your needs.
11. Now select “Save” and then on the back arrow on the top left to come back to the previous
12. Select Turn on” on the top banner
The Document Automation Email Importer flow is now configured and activated to received documents
by email.
13. Do the same 1 10 steps for theDocument Automation Processor” and “Document Automation
Validator” flows
You have successfully installed the “Document automation base kit and are ready to configure it.
3-configure the “Document automation base kit (15min)
In this unit, you will
Learn which are the predefined personas supported and which features are available
Discover how to configure the roles
Understand how to create a forms processing model to extract data from your documents
Assess how to prepare the pipeline to process your documents
The targeted person for configuring roles and permissions should:
Understand which users must have access to which features.
Have good knowledge of the Power Platform’s role-based access control.
Makers are usually a good fit for this task.
The “Document automation starter kit provides a basic implementation of role-based access control
allowing to control features available by each persona described in the previous unit, the manual
reviewer, and the process owner.
The features available in the validation application by each persona are summarized in the table
Manual Reviewer
Controlling Dataverse role
Document Automation Reviewer
Access the “Configuration” tab
Configure the model to use
Access the “Documents” tab
View documents
Only in “Manual Review” state if not
yet opened by another reviewer*
Filter documents list by state
Open the side-by-side viewer
(file/extracted data)
Edit fields
Validate a document
Delete a document
*When someone opens a processed document, he automatically assigns it to himself. Other validators
will no longer see this document in the list and would get an error if trying to update it.
NOTE: If your company does not need to have role-based access control, you can just assign the “System
customizer” role to everybody.
Configuring roles
1. Open the Power Platform Admin center and click select your environment and click on “Settings”
on the top
2. Expand the “Users + permissions” and click on “Users”
3. Then click on “Manage users in Dynamics 365” on the top banner
4. Search for a user name, select the user and click on “Manage Roles”
5. Add the “System Customizer” role to “Process Ownersor the Document Automation Reviewer
role to “Manual Reviewers.
Create a form processing model
The next step is to create a form processing model that will extract the data from your document with AI
Please follow this module Get started with Form processing in AI Builder to learn how to make it.
To create an AI Builder model, you need at least 5 samples of documents.
If your suppliers are sending documents with various layouts, you should consider creating one collection
per document type in the model.
Configuring the model to use
The targeted person for configuring providers should:
Have an overview of the suppliers of the company and get sample of these documents.
Have good knowledge of AI Builder including building a Form Processing model.
Makers are usually a good fit for this task.
Once the model is created, you can use it in the pipeline.
1. Launch the Document Automation Application” from Power Automate document automation by
clicking on “Open application”. You will land to the documents list page where you will see all
processed documents.
2. . Click on “Configurationtab and “Add configuration” to configure the AI model to be used.
3. You need now to select AI Builder model that will extract labels from documents.
See Get started with form processing to learn how to create an AI Builder form processing model.
Once your model is created and published, you can refresh this page with “Reload models,
select the appropriate model and click on Next.
4. The next screen will show how the labels of the model will be stored in the “Document
Automation Data” table of Dataverse. Click on “Save”
NOTE: If you update your model changing the label of model, you must get back to this page and use
the “Refresh” button to have changes applied to the starter kit and click on “Save” again.
5. The kit is ready to perform the document extraction and to automate the processing of your
You have successfully understood how the “Document automation base kit can allow you to define
different security role and how it must be configured to process your documents.
4-monitor and reviewing processing documents with the “Document
automation base kit (10min)
In this unit, you will
Learn how documents are received and processed
Understand how validator can monitor incoming documents to be reviewed
Assess how validator can review and edit processed documents
Learn how admin can monitor the entire processing and act
Assess to get further by adding approvals, export to target system, and automatic validation steps
Monitoring and reviewing processed documents
The targeted person for monitoring and reviewing documents should:
Get a good business acumen
Understand in which data must be extracted and eventually be imported to a target system
Business users are usually a good fit for this task.
1. When launching the Document Automation Application”, validators will see only the
“Processed” documents. You can also notice that the “Configuration” tab is hidden so only power
users can change the model to be used.
2. As soon as documents will arrive in the service email box, the “Document Automation Email
Importer” flow will detect the new email, extract the attachment, call the AI model and will save
the extracted data as a pending processing to be reviewed.
3. By clicking on the document name, you can access details, review extracted fields and edit
incorrectly extracted values. Click on “Validate to save your changes. You can also skip this
document and navigate to the next one to be reviewed with the “Next document” button
4. The maker has access to all documents including the ones in error and validated.
Export is not yet implemented in the “Document Automation Application”. If you want to export
the extracted data, please go to Power Apps Data\Tables menu and “Document Automation
Data” table, then click on top button “Export data”.
You are now ready to automate the processing of your documents leveraging AI and Microsoft Power
5-check Assessment: “Document automation base kit » (5min)
1. Which scenario the “Document automation base kit can address?
a. Invoices automation
b. Purchase orders automation
c. Receipts automation
d. All above
2. Which licenses are required?
a. Power PBI
b. Power Apps, Power Automate and AI Builder
c. Power Automate Robotic Process Automation
d. Dynamics 365
3. What are the document formats supported?
a. GIF, DOCX, and JPEG
b. JPEG, PNG, and PDF
c. All images and document formats
4. Can this reference implementation be customized to fit my company business?
a. No, it is already preconfigured to fit all needs
b. Yes, using the low code capabilities of the Platform
c. It offers enough flexibility by default to adapt to your business specifics but can be
extended as appropriate
5. What are the personas enabled by this implementation and their role?
a. A manual reviewer reviewing the data extracted and a process owner monitoring the
b. An administrator responsible to install, configure and run the process
c. There is no role support so all users can access the full range of features
In this module, you learned about which scenarios document automation addresses and what you can
accomplish with it. You also learned to install and configure the “Document automation base kit, and to
use it to monitor, review, and process documents with the kit.